NIA, International, LLC & NIA, The Intelligence Corporation are licensed and insured providers of specific security and investigation service to Corporate Organizations, Military and Law Enforcement Agencies throughout the United States and Internationally. NIA offices are located in Atlanta, Georgia, New Orleans, Louisiana, London, England and Lima, Peru so that we may better serve our Clients throughout the world.
NIA has been in business for seventeen years and boast Investigators and Security Specialist personnel with College Degrees, extensive Law Enforcement, Military, Special Forces, Public and Private Close Protection Services, as well as Investigative backgrounds.
NIA possesses nearly fifty years of combined Law Enforcement, Special Forces-Military, Security and Investigation experience and passes on this experience by working with and training law enforcement agencies, military Special Forces and private sector corporations
NIA's operations are global in scope and specialize in providing Close Protection, Crisis & Risk Management, High Risk Transport, Hostage Negotiation & Rescue as well as providing the necessary training and expert leadership for all the aforementioned services. In addition, NIA provides training in Corporate Personnel / Kidnapping Survival & Management and Tactical Firearms Training to Domestic and International Fortune 500 Companies, Military, State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.
NIA incorporates the use of the most superior state-of-the-art, hi-tech equipment, and computer database software to ensure our Clients are provided with the essential information they need and can rely upon.
NIA formed an extensive global crisis response network of professionals, who are on-call 24 hours per day. The majority of NIA's international response team members are multilingual and many have served as legal attaches in foreign countries. NIA operators have extensive experience, especially in more troubled areas with high incidences of criminal events, including Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Far East.
NIA Operators are all certified Military, Intelligence, and Law Enforcement Professionals with a minimum of [5] five years of service and continue their expert training on a regular basis to stay tactically responsive and familiar with innovative procedures and equipment and are continually requested to provide High Risk Close Protection in South America, Central America, Asia and the Middle East.
NIA provides training and services in countries such as United States, Honduras, Mexico, Japan, Peru, El Salvador, Columbia, Guatemala, Turkey, Afghanistan, Costa Rica, and South Korea to name a few.
In addition NIA Operators provided the United States Department of Homeland Security assistance and Close Protection for "locations of concern" in New Orleans and surrounding areas during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 as well as
2008 Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. And most recently NIA provided maritime security for the BP Oil Corporation / Deepwater Horizon during the coastal oil spill disaster.
NIA is attorney owned and operated, this means our Investigators and Security Specialist personnel continually remain current in legal issues, which are relative to our clients needs.
NIA International is a Louisiana based company and is a division of NIA, The Intelligence Corporation based in Atlanta, Georgia.
NIA, is listed with Dunn & Bradstreet and is a member of the National Association of Investigative Specialist [NAIS], the International Association of Hostage Negotiators [IAHN],the Investigative Professionals Association of Georgia [IPAG], the Alliance of Investigative and Security Specialists [ASIASS], the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals [IACSP].
Executive Staff
Douglas W. McDonald, J.D.
Founder of NIA, The Intelligence Corporation, and NIA International
Douglas W. McDonald, J.D. has an extensive law enforcement background as a Drug Enforcement Investigator, as well as an unrestrained background in the United States Military Special Operations, Public/Private Investigations, Hostage Negotiations, Hostage Rescue, K&R, Crisis Management, and Close Protection Security.
Mr. McDonald provides professional Close Protection, High Risk Transport, Hostage Negotiation & Rescue and Crisis & Risk Management Consulting globally to Fortune 500 Corporations, Military, Government Agencies, as well as State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.
In addition, Mr. McDonald instructs State and Federal Law Enforcement Officers, Investigators, Military Personnel, Private Security Agencies and Corporate Executives internationally in Hostage Negotiation, Crisis and Risk Management, Corporate Personnel/Kidnapping Survival & Management, SERE, Close Protection Security, Federal and State Jurisprudence, High Risk Vehicle Stops, Illegal Drug Investigations, Tactical Firearms and CQB/CAR Tactics.
Mr. McDonald holds a Doctorate Degree in Jurisprudence, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Administration of Justice, and an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice with a concentrated history of training, supervision, and instruction.
Mr. McDonald has been a licensed Georgia Private Investigator and Certified Classroom and Firearms Instructor in good standing since 1994 and teaches Investigation Training and Law Enforcement Continuing Education Courses the Georgia College & State University System.
He has received honorary awards from The United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Georgia Department of Public Safety, and The Macon/Bibb War on Drugs Committee for his work in Drug Enforcement.
Mr. McDonald has also received awards and honors from the Governor’s Office in the State of Kentucky, the Georgia State Patrol, the United States Navy, the National Association of Investigative Specialists, the Georgia Association of Professional Private Investigators, and the Investigative Professionals Association of Georgia.
Mr. McDonald is a member of the International Counter-Terrorism Officers Association International Hostage Negotiators Association, United States Association of Private Investigators, the International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association, the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, NAIS, GAPPI, IPAG as well as being listed in the International Who's Who of Professionals, Who's Who of Outstanding Americans.